Do you have the sense that something is missing in your life? Perhaps you’re not sure what it is, but there’s a longing for something different. This is not unusual in motherhood, for a number of reasons, including: Motherhood is often not what women expect. We’ve...
Here’s what you’re looking for…
How to worry less and deal with the fear of what might happen
There is no shortage of things we can worry about in motherhood, regardless of what stage we are in. Worry is thinking about all the potentially negative (from your perspective) possibilities that could eventuate in the future. The what-ifs. Sometimes these...
Let’s not call ourselves bad mums anymore
Have you ever called yourself a bad mum, either out loud or in your mind? I certainly have and I know many other mums have too. I’ve been thinking about this label that we use. Why is it so prevalent? What does it even mean? And what is the impact of using it? I’m...
5 strategies to help you overcome perfectionism
Society tells us that perfectionism is a good thing. Perhaps you too have been praised and rewarded for your high capacity, high standards, and meticulous work. You may have also believed that perfectionism was the same as trying your best and showing your commitment...
Have we got the definition of a strong woman wrong?
How would you define a strong woman? Perhaps you might use some of the following descriptions: Physically strong Confident Hard to persuade Unflappable Resilient Determined Independent In control Focused on her goals. I used to think that being a strong woman...
Learning the art of letting go. Again.
Letting go is a lesson and practice we live through over and over again. Life continues to present us with new opportunities to let go and sometimes we have such a tight grip on things, it takes several attempts to fully release. I love this quote from Ahjan Chah: “If...
The most important question for practicing self care in the moment
Take a moment and think about all the questions you ask yourself as you care for your children. Are they hungry or thirsty? Is he cold? Does she need a hug? Do they need some quiet time? Do they need to run around outside? Is she scared or overwhelmed? Will they enjoy...
4 shifts that brought me more happiness, peace and confidence
Do you ever think about how you’ve changed and evolved throughout your life? As I turn 40 this week, I’ve been reflecting on exactly that. Whilst my core values haven’t really changed, I’m definitely not the same person I was in my 20s. Last weekend, I was blessed to...
The secrets to managing your time and energy in a more feminine way
Everyone wants to have more time and more energy! But perhaps no one needs them more than mums? There’s plenty of time and energy management trainings available in books, on courses and at workshops. These trainings usually come from a mostly masculine viewpoint. I’m...
Why you need to take a pause
How fast are you running each day, lovely mum? Of course, I don’t mean actually physically running, but rather, rushing. Life can be so fast paced. I've learned to follow my son’s pace during the day where possible. I avoid over scheduling and give him some choice and...
Why you should listen to your intuition (and how to hear it)
Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link, and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a small commission if you decide to purchase after clicking through the link. I’ll only ever recommend things that I love and believe will help you, and the decision to...