Whether we like it or not, caring for children involves constantly preparing and serving food and then cleaning up afterwards. Not only do our children (and partners) have to eat, and preferably eat well, we have to eat well to be able to function at our best,...
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10 stories that highlight why you need to stop using toxic cleaning products
I remember when I first became more informed about the products I was using around the home to clean and disinfect. I was shocked and surprised! Shocked, as I had absolutely no idea that what I was spraying around the home could not only be harmful to my health and...
25 ways to save time and save your sanity
For as long as I can remember, when I asked my Dad how his day was, he would respond in a weary tone, “busy”. It became a bit of a running joke in our house. As an adult, I realised that I had subconsciously taken on this same mindset. I used to always feel like I was...
Hate cleaning? Here are 6 simple ways I make it easier
Cleaning… argh Does anyone really like it? Ok, some people do, but I’m not one of those people. I told someone that recently and they were surprised. Probably because my house is almost always clean and tidy. I can't settle when my house is cluttered or dirty. It’s...